Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Elevator Pitch Discussion

Elevator Pitch Discussion

Q Post a two paragraph elevator pitch with at least three complete sentences in each paragraph on this Discussion Board. (Doing so well before the due date is preferable.) You may say anything you like about yourself, however, it needs to be business appropriate. You may discuss your reason for going to school, your previous jobs, your current job, your hobbies, your aspirations, your previous education, etc.

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Hello everyone, my name is Bashar Autabashi, and I am inclined towards building a career in public relations. I have been working with a private firm for some time now and wish to further my prospects in the PR industry. As much as I am confident about myself giving speeches, I believe that I need to work on my audience engaging skills and concluding my pitch well. I am juggling classes and work, and amidst all the chaos, I am trying to give as much as time to my